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There’s a conspiracy to keep you in the dark about your health care options. Big Pharma wants to convince you to take a pill - watch this Film!
You're one step away from Improved Health, More Energy, and Less Medications!
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Discover the Conspiracy To Keep You Sick!
After his mother died at the age of 47 while taking over 21 prescriptions, Dr. Tabor Smith made it his mission to discover the truth about what’s keeping America sick. This full-length cinematic documentary follows his travels throughout the US as he visits with healthcare professionals and patients as they dive into America’s problem of overmedication.
Watch This Award Winning Documentary, Featuring:

Josh Axe
Speaker, Author, Chiropractor and founder of

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Speaker, Author, Chiropractor and founder of

Shilo Harris
Speaker who shares his unforgettable story of triumph over adversity.

Chris Zaino
Former Mr. America and IFBB Pro bodybuilder

Tabor Smith
Speaker, Author, Chiropractor, Founder of Spinal Hygiene Movement
Also Featuring:

Leigh Anne Beebe
Radiation Therapist, Teacher, Care Giver, and Mother

Dr. Gilles LaMarche
Vice President of University Advancement & Enrollment at Life

Dr. Ed Lafleur
Medical Doctor, Board Certified Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Dan Sullivan
Chiropractor, Author, Speaker, Coach, and Health Expert

Dr. Michael Hall
Radiation Therapist, Teacher, Care Giver, and Mother

Dr. David Erb
Vice President of University Advancement & Enrollment at Life U.

Dr. Bradford Bellard
Medical Doctor, Board Certified Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Patrick Flynn
Chiropractor, Author, Speaker, Coach, and Health Expert

Dr. Stephanie Sullivan
Radiation Therapist, Teacher, Care Giver, and Mother

Dr. Austin Cohen
Vice President of University Advancement & Enrollment at Life U.

Dr. Eric Plasker
Medical Doctor, Board Certified Family Medicine Physician

Dr. Tamika Bush
Chiropractor, Author, Speaker, Coach, and Health Expert

Dr. Barbara Eaton
Chiropractor, Speaker, Founder of the 56-Day Chiropractic Boot Camp

Dr. Hollen Meyer
Chiropractor, Speaker, Natural Health Expert

Dr. Lisa Olszewski
Chiropractor, Naturopath, Founder of the American Institute of Healthy Living

Dr. Patrick Krupka
Chiropractor, Nutritionist, Functional Medicine Practitioner

Dr. Michael Longyear
Speaker, Educator, and Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist

Dr. Jack Christie
Practicing Chiropractor for 35+ Years and Former Houston City Council Member
What You Will Learn From This Free Documentary
How to Eliminate Pain Without Drugs: When it comes to your health we know that you want to feel better. In order to do that, you need to take the right actions that will move you toward building true health and wellness. Watch this and find out!
Avoid the Deadly Effects of Opioids: The problem is you’re conditioned to reach for a pill as a quick fix which doesn’t correct your problem and makes you feel scared and helpless. We believe you deserve to feel better and live a healthy life.
Learn the Secret to Great Health: We interviewed dozens of natural health experts, and brought you patient stories from people who have turned their life around and discovered the real answer to regaining their health and well being.
We Care About Your Right to Know the Truth and That's Why We’re Going Head-to-Head with Big Pharmaceutical Executives
Nearly 60,000 doctors have joined the movement. We've collected so many stories of personal experiences from people who have overcome debilitating pain WITHOUT medications. Finally someone is exposing Big Pharma and their despicable actions... Watch the movie and discover the truth today!
Are You Ready to Discover the Truth About Your Health?
Watch the Movie - Discover the Truth - Share the Truth
What are people saying about the Film
"Amazing documentary! Very well done. High quality. Impactful.You are to be commended for delivering such a powerful message. Keep leading the charge!"
- Dr. Adam Del Torto
"Wow!!! That was AWESOME!!! BEST. CHIROPRACTIC. MOVIE. EVER. Can't wait for the world to see it!"
- Dr. David Erb
"A MUST watch! You won't be sorry. As a matter of fact, you may just become more awake. I love everything about this film!"
- Ashton Kern
You're just one step away from Improved Health, More Energy, and Less Medications! Watch the movie and discover the solution today!
A Better Way is a Powerful Film About People Who Are Tired of Taking Pills and Getting Zero Results, so They Take Their Health Into Their Own Hands and Seek Out True Health Experts!
These Amazing People Found A Better Way

Leigh Anne Beebe
After exhausting every mainstream medical option for treatment of her son's seizures, Leigh Anne was left with no answers and no options. The medications they were giving her son, Ethan, were leaving him zoned out, unresponsive, and without appetite. She knew drugs were not the answer and took it upon herself to seek out alternative health care for him. Just wait until you see Ethan's transformation. He is now growing up healthy, strong, and seizure free! Leigh Anne and Ethan found a better way!

Shilo Harris
After Army Staff Sergeant Shilo Harris’s armored vehicle was struck by an IED in Iraq, he faced a long road to recovery. The explosion, which killed three of his fellow soldiers, left Harris with severe burns on 35 percent of his body, as well as a fractured left collarbone and C-7 vertebrae. Harris experienced more than 75 surgeries, as well as a battle with PTSD. During the long recovery process, Harris was prescribed opioids to deal with his pain and after several years he became addicted. Watch the mobie and learn how Shilo found a better way!

Chris Zaino
Chris Zaino is a world renown speaker, author, entrepreneur, former Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and IFBB pro body builder. In his late 20s he was diagnosed with a debilitating terminal disease called ulcerative colitis. In the film A Better Way, Chris tells his story of how he overcame this "incurable" disease and how that experience was his motivation to go to school, get his doctorate and build one of the largest wellness clinics in the world where he could help others find a better way, just as he did...
It's Time For You to Watch This Award Winning Documentary Film
On November 7th, 2005, Sandra Smith died at the age of 47 taking 21 different medications. This spurred on her son, Tabor, to change the way America thinks about health. Amidst the ongoing health crisis, Tabor travels around the country to interview medical experts, political figures, and ordinary people in order to uncover the conspiracy behind America's drug-obsessed healthcare system - and most importantly, find out what can be done to change it..
Are You Ready to Discover the Truth About Your Health?
Watch the Movie - Discover the Truth - Share the Truth
We Can't Wait to Hear You Say

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